Die Templates
Choose your suitable template, which was specially designed for holiday apartments and a booking system as well as a
Channel manager fromSmoobuintegrated.

BASIC templates
increase revenue!

Why pay 15%-18% commission to Airbnb or Booking.com when your own website offers an equally great booking experience.
Everything synced!

No double bookings thanks to the automatic synchronization of the calendars on your website and all portals with the help of Smoobu.
Avoid the hassle of calendar maintenance and unhappy customers when errors occur.

Everything in view!
Bookings of your website and all portals in one central place - in the Smoobu reservation system.
A sample calculation
You rent out your holiday home for100€ per night.
Your holiday home is included for average20 nights per monthrented.
If all bookings are processed via Airbnb (15% commission) because you do not have a website with a booking function or your website is not appealing, you or your guests pay annuallyover €3,600of commission.
Withfewofy you increase the bookings via the website and then have 2 options:
Earn €3,600 more per year
Offer your guests a lower price on the website and thus increase occupancy